May happiness shine in your heart,may luck be always on your side and may each and every wish come true. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I wish I was there with you…/to help you blow out aaallllll those candles. Have a very Happy Birthday!
Wishing you the best day ever! HAPPY BIRTHDAY
What you are is God's gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to God. Blessings on your birthday
Don’t think you’re special just because it’s your birthday… You’re special every day! Happy Birthday
May this new year of your life make all your dreams come true. Happy Birthday!
Thank you for making this world a more beautiful place. Happy Birthday
My friend: don't forget that I am always there for you. Let me help you eat that cake! HAPPY BIRTHDAY
I just gave you a birthday hug. CONGRATULATIONS!
All our cards are free. Have fun!