Today I'd love to give you a big hug. Take this one until I can hug you in person. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from a distance
May this new year of your life make all your dreams come true. Happy Birthday!
May happiness shine in your heart,may luck be always on your side and may each and every wish come true. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
May your day be wonderful from sunrise to sunset. Happy birthday
Have a happy birthday!Have a good week too,a magnificent year, and by the way,a wonderful life!
I raise a toast to you. Cheers! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Even though we are miles apart, we will celebrate together/ because I always carry you in my heart./ I'm sending you a big warm hug. / HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Here I'm sending all my love to you. Happy Birthday!
Since I can't give them to you personally... my representative brings you all my hugs and kisses. Happy Birthday!
All our cards are free. Have fun!