I’m sending a box of hugs your waypacked with love, just to say:although I can’t be there with you, I thought of you today. Have a wonderful day!
Everything you dream of,everything you long for, everything that makes you happy... that's what I wish for you,today and always.Have a beautiful day!
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow, a mystery.But Today is a gift, that's why it's called Present.Have a wonderful day
Here I send you sunshine and lots of love. Have a wonderful day!
Every day is a blank canvas. You choose the colors. Paint yourself a beautiful today!
Have a good day.Also a great week,a magnificent year, and by the way,a wonderful life!
Keep your feet on the groundand your eyes on the stars.May all your dreams come true!
May this hug bring a smile to your face and peace to your heart. Have a beautiful day!
Have a beautiful day!
All our cards are free. Have fun!