May each year be better than the one before and may all our goals and dreams come true. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Happy New Year! Hoping this new year will be filled with lots of fun, excitement and good luck.
Happy New YearFeliz Ano NovoFrohes Neues JahrBon AnnéeFelice Anno NovoFeliz Año Nuevo
Another year is born.It is a good time to look back and reflect. Let's take the good things with us and leave the rest in the past. Enjoy this new beginning!
I just made a deposit of 365 days of good luck, health, love and happiness to your account.Manage them well… and enjoy!HAPPY NEW YEAR
May all your worries last as long as your New Year resolutions: seconds! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
May the lord light your path each and every day and help you reach all your dreams. Heartfelt blessings for the coming year!
Here's to a year filled with joy. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The year changes. Dreams may change. Goals may change. Looks may change...But I would never EVER change my friends! HAPPY NEW YEAR
All our cards are free. Have fun!