Wishing you a year full of hope, simple pleasures to share and moments to remember always.Happy New Year
May the lord light your path each and every day and help you reach all your dreams. Heartfelt blessings for the coming year!
The year that is about to begin is like a book filled with blank pages.It depends on you to write the best possible story.Make this an extraordinary year! HAPPY NEW YEAR
The year changes. Dreams may change. Goals may change. Looks may change...But I would never EVER change my friends! HAPPY NEW YEAR
May each day of the new year give you a reason to smile. Happy New Year!
Another year is born.It is a good time to look back and reflect. Let's take the good things with us and leave the rest in the past. Enjoy this new beginning!
365 sunrises are waiting for you to turn them into extraordinary days. Remember that people are the treasures in lifeand happiness is the real wealth. Happy New Year
All that you dream of, all that you hope for, all that makes you happy... that's what you're wished in the new year and always. Happy New Year!
May all your worries last as long as your New Year resolutions: seconds! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
All our cards are free. Have fun!